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Press release photography is especially suited for publication. The background, lighting, and printing procedures give great reproduction in newspaper or newsletter applications. Pricing includes the studio sitting and a digital contact sheet emailed for proofing. All prints needed are priced per our Custom Machine print price list. This service is by appointment only. Paper Contact sheets are also available.
Douglas Photographic Imaging has been providing professional copy services for artists for over 30 years. We've created copy transparencies in sizes from 35mm to 8" x 10" and now provide a variety for digital options too. Artists depend on us to create reproductions for distribution and to prepare images for competitions, show judging and web presentation. So today we're also providing our Artist customers the opportunity to display images for sale via our website.
In addition to offering the conventional copy and printing services you've come to know us for over the past 30+ years, we also now offer inkjet printing on Canvas and Fine Art mediums. We're here to help you market and distribute your art to a broader market than ever before. By providing the copy services, printing, display and distribution in a single location we can streamline your delivery to the customers.
We also have a generous lobby and hall that we can make available for displaying your art.