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- Use a form that has been disigned for you on your phone.
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- Fill out fewer fields than ever before.
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Price Lists
The Darkroom
The Darkroom is available to members only for a yearly membership fee of $15.00
8:30 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Thursday |
8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Friday |
Please call ahead to schedule the darkroom or to cancel a reservation.
Black & White Darkroom |
Black & White Rental Rate: $10.00 per hour
A complete black & white darkroom for printing from negatives includes:
- Enlarger
- Lens
- Negative Carrier
- Grain focus tube
- Print easel
- Dodging & burning instruments
- Timer
- Contrast filters
- Developing trays to fit up to 11 X 14 paper ($5.00 charge for mixing 16 X 20 Trays)