• Douglas Photo
  • Shoot Your Ride!
    Taking Show-And-Tell
    to a whole new level.

    Let us take your ride for a spin on our wheel.
    Call us at 316-264-3013 or Email us for an appointment to photograph your car, truck, or motorcycle on our "Shoot Your Ride" wheel.

Price Lists
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Custom Prints from Negatives

Premium Grade Custom Prints from negatives.  As of 2022, this service no longer available

Printed on resin-coated paper from 4x5 or smaller negatives only. 

Hand-crafted prints with an emphasis on exposure, contrast, color and density control to achieve the best possible prints made from negatives. 

Gloss or semi-matte surfaces available.

Minimum charge of $40.00.

1 Duplicates 1 Duplicates
*4 x 5  $  12.95  $    9.05 *10 x 20 $  37.95 $  23.10
*5 x 7 14.30 10.75 *11 x 14 41.80 24.20
*8 x 10 21.20 14.85 *12 x 18 58.60 34.10
*8½ x 11 29.45 20.10 *16 x 20 59.70 39.05

* - For prints from negatives larger than 4 x 5, add 50%.
Larger prints and Fiber prints are available per quote only.