 Click here to check out The Ravenhawk |
Shoot Your Ride! Taking Show-And-Tell to a whole new level.
Call us at 316-264-3013 or Email us for an appointment to photograph your car, truck, or motorcycle on our "Shoot Your Ride" wheel. You can drop by to see us, and if time is availalbe, we'll give you a tour of the Shoot Your Ride studio.
Price Lists
The Darkroom
The Darkroom is available to members only for a yearly membership fee of $15.00
8:30 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Thursday |
8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Friday |
Please call ahead to schedule the darkroom or to cancel a reservation.
Black & White Darkroom |
Black & White Rental Rate: $10.00 per hour
A complete black & white darkroom for printing from negatives includes:
- Enlarger
- Lens
- Negative Carrier
- Grain focus tube
- Print easel
- Dodging & burning instruments
- Timer
- Contrast filters
- Developing trays to fit up to 11 X 14 paper ($5.00 charge for mixing 16 X 20 Trays)