Some new features are popping up on douglasphoto.com
Social Networking links, and other 'stuff'...
Recently we added some new features to douglasphoto.com that we think you will enjoy and benefit from. First of all is the Social Networking links (picture in the top row of the accompanying image); using these links you can email a page, add it to your blog, share it on Facebook or Tweet it. If you would like to keep that page handy on your smartphone; you can click on the icon on the far right to generate a QR Code. Scan that QR Code with your phone and you'll have to url entered into the phone automatically. The "A" icons on the second row are used to reduce or enlarge the fonts on a page. So if you're having any trouble reading a page you can click on the large "A" to enlarge the fonts. We hope you'll give all of these features a try and find that they are as useful as we hope they will be.
Photo Education
Photography Seminars
If you're interested in learning to better use your digital or film camera you can find several opportunities listed below. Jeff Cowell teaches photography and Photoshop seminars at our facilities and around the country. You can find a complete listing of available seminars below or by clicking here.