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    Taking Show-And-Tell
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Film Processing - No longer available

Film Processing

DPI still processes Color, Black & White and Transparency films in house. We use dip & dunk (rack & hanger) processors to assure scratch-free film handling.  All film is cut and placed in an archival sleeve unless otherwise requested. E/6 processing is not available at this time. Reduced charge for film processing if prints are ordered at time of processing of $7.45 per roll. We are no longer processing film.

Black and White

135/24 $9.05 4 x 5 $6.35
135/36 $10.45 5 x 7 $9.05
120 $10.45 8 x 10 $17.05
220 $19.50


C-41 E-6 / Ektachrome E-6 / Ektachrome
Sleeved Sleeved Mounted
135/12 or 24 $9.05 $13.80 $16.50
135/36 $10.45 $15.90 $19.50
120 $10.45 $15.90
220 $19.50 $28.50
4 x 5 $6.35 $9.60
5 x 7 $9.05 $14.10
8 x 10 $17.05 $20.40
Blank Film charges: 135 & 120 $5.25 per roll, 4 x 5 $2.50 per sheet.
Old Film requires prepayment of $5.25 per roll.

Roll* Film Scanning

At time of processing we can scan and write your files to a CD or customers'  flash drive. 

JPG RGB Format  TIF RGB Format  Both JPG & TIF 
Film Size Processing Standard Scans 1  Large Scans 2  Standard Scans 1  Large Scans 2  Standard Scans 1  Large Scans 2 
135/12 or 24 $9.05 $10.25 $18.50 $13.00 $24.00 $16.50 $28.00
135/36 $10.45 $14.50 $27.50 $18.50 $35.00 $23.00 $41.00
120 $10.45 $16.50 $33.00 $22.00 $44.00 $28.00 $50.00
220 $19.50 $33.00 $66.00 $44.00 $77.00 $56.00 $100.00
1 Standard Scans are 4 x 5 or 4 x 6 or 5 x 5 to fit image format.

2 Large Scans are 8 x 10 or 8 x 12 or 8 x 8 to fit image format.                                       Write to CD-$5.00    Write to customers Flash Drive-$ 5.00

All Scans are performed with dust and scratch correction (except Kodachrome and black & white) and scanned to approximately 300 dpi.

* Cut Film Scanning is also available, please click here.


Special Film Processing

A push (overdevelop) or pull (underdevelop) process is available for all films at $2.50 extra per roll or $1.25 per sheet, strip tests are $7.45 each.